Friday, September 26, 2008

Freaky Coincidence?

I took some photos of a campsite recently. Then I noticed something in one of the photos. I thought well... could've been a light glare or something.... altho' it's still really weird looking. Today, I received an email from a friend with a Youtube link titled "Supernatural Pictures Caught on Camera". I thought... well, let's have a lookie. And one of the images caught my attention.... like hey... that looks familiar! So I checked my photo archive and what do you know.... IT'S THE SAME WEIRD THINGY!

So here it is....

I added in the image from Youtube into my photo. So do you see the resemblence?

So... what is it anyway? The Youtube video is supposedly showing images or reflections of angels manifested through the gathering of the saints... and here it is the same thing in a dorm... hmmm.... so sceptics... is it a light glare or something from my pocket camera? My photo is of course unedited... as if I have nothing else to do....

Glare? Supernatural? Do tell do tell....

p.s. anyone can guess where this photo was taken...? :) I am so gonna get pounded....

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